Travel Agents Menu - Overview

A travel agent/agency typically sends business to your Property and is paid a commission based on the amount of room revenue paid by their client to you (the Property).  Skyware allows you to attach and track travel agents, the amount of business they bring in, the amount of commissions that they are due, and whether they have been paid those commissions or not. The Travel Agents Menu screen provides the features that allow you to organize and deal with any travel agents that your Property works with, including viewing any agents, tracking travel agent commissions, printing commission checks, review travel agent checks that have been voided. and reporting on travel agent statistics.  



Travel Agents Menu

The Travel Agents Menu has two sections, General and Reports.




Travel Agent Accounts: This command opens the Travel Agents Accounts screen, which allows you to add a travel agency or agent account, and view any travel agent account records already generated in Skyware for your property. This account screen is similar in appearance to the guest information screen, but contains an extra travel agent specific section on the Other tab, where information such as the IATA number should be added. Once a Travel Agent has been created, the agent can be attached to stays.

Travel Agent Commissions: This command opens the Travel Agent Commissions screen, and allows you to generate a list of travel agent commissions paid for a specific date range or range of check register numbers. Once commissions have accumulated, you may use this feature to modify, view, or print checks for the travel agents.

Note: This command may also be found in the Other Reports section of the Reports Menu.

Voided Travel Agent Checks: This command opens the Voided Travel Agent Checks screen, which lists all of the travel agent checks that have been voided. It displays the check number, the amount, IATA number, voided date, and the user code that voided the check.




Travel Agent List: This command opens the Travel Agent List Report screen, which allows you to generate a report showing all of the travel agents that exist in the system in a list form. It can be printed in Company name order or IATA number order and will display the IATA#, Company Name, City, State, Phone, whether commission is paid to the agency, the commission amount (by percentage, amount per stay or amount per day).

Note: This list is the report option associated with the Travel Agent Accounts screen.

Outstanding Travel Agent Commissions: This command opens the Outstanding Travel Agent Commissions Report screen, which allows you to generate a report displaying all of the commissions that are due but have not been paid to a travel agent. The report is grouped by the Travel Agent and shows all of the stays that accumulated commissions due to that travel agent, with the total unpaid commission amount due per travel agent.

Note: The information shown in this report is taken from the travel agent print checks feature, found on the Travel Agent Commission screen.

Travel Agent Statistics Report: This command opens the Travel Agent Statistics Report screen, which will allow you to generate a report which displays all of the Agents that have commission revenue as of the date selected.  The report displays the Agency’s Month To Date, Year To Date, Last Year and Previous Years Commission statistics (Revenue, Rooms, Number of Nights and Average Revenue per Night).

Travel Agent Detail Report: This command opens the Travel Agent Detail Report screen, which allows you to generate a report showing the commission information for stays associated with any/all specific travel agents during a specified date range. The information shown may be commission calculated by room or booking revenue, and may be based on arrival, departure or booking date. The report displays the travel agent, and the associated stay details (confirmation #, guest name, arrival and departure dates, number of nights of the stay, plus the room revenue, tax amount, booked amount and commission amount generated).


Date Updated January 06, 2022